Distinguished artist Laurie Hendricks will be performing a demonstration for the Simi Valley Art Association at its regularly scheduled general meeting held on Thursday March 21, 2024 from 6pm to 8pm at the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District Activity Center located at 4201 Guardian Street in Simi Valley.
$5.00 admission for members and $7.00 for non-members. Light refreshments and a raffle will be available.
A donation of $5.00 for members and $7.00 for non-members/general public is requested at the door for the art demonstrations.
For further info email us at [email protected] www.rsrpd.org/facilities/community_centers/activity_center/index.php
Laurie Hendricks Thursday, March 21st, 2024 @ 6-8pm
Laurie Hendricks is a California plein-air painter, with origins in San Francisco and the Bay Area. Raised in Kensington California, a neighborhood with painters, potters, Berkeley professors and radicals, she first moved to Los Angeles in the 80s to pursue acting, and after some success in this field, turned her focus to painting full time. She is a direct descendent of American painter John Trumbull (1756-1843), known best for The Singing of the Declaration of Independence. Hendricks is a modern-day champion of California Impressionism, and the early 20th century landscape painters.
According to Laurie: "I am a believer in the benefits of painting from life, where from a live model, outdoors in the landscape of a still life, because it's the best way to see true color and value in nature. I endeavor to paint in direct response to my subject, in a loose impressionist/expressionist way, taking the subject before me, filtering it through my feelings and emotions, to create something unique and original. Nature is my muse, but my interpretation of natural beauty is expressed in my own voice. I love to paint all prime, rarely waiting for areas to dry, I prefer the thick immediate application of paint and expressive brushwork. My approach to Plein Air is to take my work to a degree of finish on location, rarely working on it later in the studio." Laurie Hendricks earned a Master of Fine Arts Degree at the San Francisco Art Institute where she learned to blend technique and emotion to create her paintings. She continues to study painting, drawing, and art history, viewing art as a life-long learning process. Her paintings have been exhibited in the California Art Club Gold Medal Shows for the past three years. View her work on her website - www.lauriehendricksart.com |