Who We Are..........
A non-profit organization, the SIMI VALLEY ART ASSOCIATION (SVAA)
consists of individuals 18 years of age or older, who share a passion in exploring and promoting the visual arts in the community.
To encourage our young artists, grants are awarded to our Simi Valley High Schools Art Departments each year.
The grants are funded by donations from the community and events hosted by the association throughout the year.
General Meetings – open to the public – are held at the Rancho Simi Recreation & Park Activity Center located at 4201 Guardian Street, Simi Valley, CA 93063. Information about the date, time and guest demonstrator are sent out via email or can be found on our website. Special activities for fellowship, such as workshops, plein air painting outings, still life drawing sessions, and field trips are sometimes scheduled.
Among our major fundraising events are the annual People’s Choice Show (for members only) and the Open Juried Show.
Annual memberships are open to students, professionals and non-professionals interested in two or three-dimensional art including photography, multi-media and graphic arts. The board members are elected every year and committees are run by volunteer members or appointees. Members are entitled to discounts for show and demonstration entry fees and other events organized by SVAA.
The SVAA periodically publishes newsletters, which are distributed to its members and any interested non-members upon request via email.
Join us! See our Membership page.